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Proud Lifetime Member of both NRA and TSRA
Teaching safety for firearm handling, shooting and hunting
About Us
Involved since 1984 with the American Red Cross, safety is our first priority. This fits very well with the primary objective of all NRA shooting programs:
To teach the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary for owning and using a firearm safely.
As well as that of the TPWD Hunter Education class:
To produce safe, responsible, knowledgeable and involved hunters.
Certifications and Training:
NRA certified Range Safety Officer and Instructor for both modern firearms and muzzleloading Pistols, Rifles and Shotguns, as well as Personal Protection Inside the Home class
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department certified Hunter Education Instructor
Texas Department of Public Safety certified License To Carry Instructor
Texas Department of Public Safety certified School Safety Certification Instructor
Texas Department of State Health Services trained Emergency Medical Technician
This company proudly respects and supports all levels of Law Enforcement and all branches of the US Military!
Thank you for putting yourselves in harm's way for the welfare and protection of our citizens.
Thank you for your service to ensure our