Nice, shootin' Tex!



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Teaching safety for firearm handling, shooting and hunting

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NRA Shooting Classes * NRA Personal Protection in the Home * Texas LTC * Texas Hunter Safety

TPWD Hunter Education: $15.00
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Thanks to hunter education, the sport of hunting continues to get safer every day! In addition to the 6 hours of official TPWD course instruction that covers the skills, regulations and responsibilities of hunting, wildlife conservation and the outdoors, our classes include a shooting component, extra information for upcoming seasons and fun, practical exercises to enhance the learning experience for all hunters, age 9 and above. This certification lasts a lifetime and is recognized by all states and provinces requiring hunter education.

Special Note: Certification is not required to purchase a hunting license, per the 2015-2016 TPWD Outdoor Annual, General Requirements/Restrictions, Hunter Education, bold face note located toward the top of page 27.