Nice, shootin' Tex!



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Instructor since 2012

Teaching safety for firearm handling, shooting and hunting

DPS Courses                Browse Calendar        (Register for a class)

NRA Shooting and Personal Protection * Texas LTC and School Safety * Texas Hunter Safety

Texas License To Carry In-Person Course: $60
(Request Info)      (Register for a class)      (Pay for your class)

Designed to educate our residents on the responsibilities and laws applicable to carrying handguns in Texas, this course covers laws that relate to weapons and to the use of deadly force, handgun use and safety, non-violent dispute resolution, proper storage practices for handguns with an emphasis on storage practices that eliminate the possibility of accidental injury to a child and more.

This class is conducted to provide maximum learning in a comfortable environment. Therefore, private classes can be scheduled for as few as 2 participants and in the comfort of your home, clubhouse, office meeting room, or in our convenient Austin area location. We accommodate couples, families, clubs, small business as well as corporate groups. Special pricing is available for professional security and service company participants.

Students with limited experience shooting firearms seeking their License To Carry in Texas are encouraged to complete a beginner's shooting class prior to this class. Clear Shot Austin offers the NRA Basic Pistol class to help beginning students become comfortable and confident with firearms and satisfy this suggestion.

To obtain a license to carry a handgun in the state of Texas, follow these procedures:
  1. Successfully complete this class
  2. Apply online through the Online Services link at DPS LTC Web site
  3. Obtain digital fingerprints from IdentoGO
  4. Receive results of the Texas DPS processing

*Texas DPS License To Carry Class for 1, in-person student is $200.00.

Texas License To Carry ONLINE Course: $60
(Request Info)      (Register for ONLINE class)      (Pay Range Fee)

This option gives Texas residents the convenience of completing the classroom portion of the Texas LTC class online and at their convenience. Using the Promo code listed below, our students can complete the classroom session for the discounted rate of just $10.00, then schedule their range qualification session with Clear Shot Austin for the "Range ONLY" fee of just $50.00.

Texas residents simply follow these easy steps to take advantage of our online classroom option:
  1. Click the Online Course link (Opens in new window)
  2. Click the "Enroll Now" button at the bottom of online LTC class page
  3. Enter coupon code, ClearShot+ and click "Apply coupon"
  4. Note that the total is now $10 and click "Proceed to Checkout"
  5. Complete registration/payment information and click "Place order"
  6. Complete the online classroom session and obtain the completion certificate
  7. Register for any scheduled LTC class, referencing RANGE ONLY in the Questions/Comments field.

*Texas DPS Range ONLY session for 1 student is $100.00.

Texas School Safety Course:
(Request Info)      (Register for a class)      

This 15 to 20 hour course is held over 2 days and is designed to train school staff on how to defend our children in the event of an ACTIVE SHOOTER. Developed by the Texas Department of Public Safety, this course uses lecture, discussion, demonstration, and several practical exercises to teach the Avoid, Deny, Defend methodology created by the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) Center at Texas State University in San Marcos, TX.

The four objectives of this course are:
  1. The protection of students
  2. Tactics for denying an intruder entry into a classroom or school facility
  3. Methods to increase an LTC holder's accuracy with a handgun under duress
  4. Interaction of LTC holders with First Responders

This course includes shooting activities consisting of 300 rounds of ammunition.

Course Prerequisites include:
  • Possess a valid Texas LTC
  • Written pre-test, scoring 90% or higher
         (over laws presented in the LTC course, before training on Day 1)
  • Shooting pre-qualification, scoring 90% or higher
         (same course of fire as the LTC qualification, before training on Day 1)

Upon completion of this course, the student will be issued a certificate. The certificate is simply proof that the student has successfully completed these stringent course requirements. This course alone DOES NOT permit a current Texas LTC holder to carry a firearm onto school grounds, the ISD staff member must have written permission from the ISD or school authority.

*Indivdual and group rates available.

Active Shooter for businesses, churches, clubs and organizations:
(Request Info)      (Register for a class)      

This class is a shorter version of School Safety designed to train your staff on how to defend themselves and your patrons in the event of an ACTIVE SHOOTER. The purpose of this class, held in your environment, will determine the scheduling of this course. Please contact us through Email or the Request Info link above to discuss training your staff.

This company proudly respects and supports all levels of Law Enforcement and all branches of the US Military!

Back the Blue!!

Thank you for putting yourselves in harm's way for the welfare and protection of our citizens.

Thank you for your service!!

Thank you for your service to ensure our